Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Teachers call for school Army ban

From the beeb:
"Members of Scotland's largest teaching union have called for Army recruitment teams to be banned from visiting schools and colleges."
Have to say I've got a lot of misgivings about the way the Armed Forces do their advertising - most of them to do with the way they seem to skirt round the whole fighting and going to war bit. However, Edinburgh branch representative Colin MacKay's reasoning seems downright weird to me. He said:
"The truth is that most teachers are pacifists and we really are giving double standards by letting people come into schools who are going to encourage these youngsters to join the armed forces."
I very much doubt that most teachers are pacifists. Those of us who are history teachers find the whole pacifism thing breaks down a bit when you're covering Appeasement, WWII, stuff like that. But the most important objection is that even if we were, it isn't our job to make the pupils replicas of ourselves.

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